Best Small Item Storage Tips for Closet Organizing

Best Small Item Storage Tips for Closet Organizing

Is your closet basically a bigger version of your kitchen junk drawer? Do you struggle to find apparel and accessories in a timely fashion? If so, it might be time to revise your storage techniques. While most closet organizing tips focus on big-picture items like jeans and jackets, it’s also important to find optimal ways of stowing smaller pieces such as underwear and earrings. Keep reading to discover Closet World’s best tips on small-item storage.


Do you have a bad habit of losing your socks only to have to buy new ones? If you’re tired of wearing unmatched socks every day, it might be time to rethink your closet organizing tactics. When it comes to stowing socks, we recommend employing drawer dividers. Made from various materials, including wood, cloth, and plastic, dividers let you keep sock pairs together or organize a drawer into sections. For example, you might want to keep athletic socks in one area, dress socks in another, and tights and stockings in a third part of the drawer.


Storing underwear in your closet or bureau can be a challenge. After all, many of these items are made of delicate materials that can easily rip or tear. Moreover, lingerie is often expensive, so it’s only logical to store these items in a way that protects them from harm. We recommend using drawer dividers to separate underwear and bras. Additionally, you should tuck hooks and straps into the underside of the bra cup to avoid snags and other damage. Finally, nightgowns and slips are best stored in your closet. Choose velvet or satin hangers to protect these items from harm. If all else fails, you can always store lingerie by folding it in baskets lined with fabric.


You love your jewelry and want to ensure it lasts for decades to come. With that in mind, it’s important to house necklaces and earrings in a way that protects them from damage and keeps them from going missing. If you don’t have a dedicated jewelry box, consider making use of the back of your cabinet or closet door. You can install a few hooks or mount a pegboard for hanging necklaces and bracelets so they don’t tangle. On the other hand, drawers with velvet inserts are great for storing earrings, rings, and watches. Want to save a few dollars? Pick up a plastic craft storage box. You can use the different compartments to separate earrings and other tiny pieces so they don’t get lost.

Contact Us for Closet Organizing Made Easy

Your source for home organizing made simple, Closet World works hand in hand with clients to create customized solutions based on their needs. From building better storage solutions for clothes and shoes to providing exceptional accessories and finishes, we have the knowledge and experience needed to get your home into shape. For more on our services, call today, or contact us online to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you reorganize your space.