DeClutter Your Closet Faster With These Tips

DeClutter Your Closet Faster With These Tips

If you’re like most people, then you probably know your closet could use some cleaning. However, the idea of devoting your precious leisure time to closet organizing may seem anything but appealing. The good news is cleaning out this part of the home doesn’t have to take an entire weekend. With a few tips and tricks, you can declutter your closet faster, freeing up time for more enjoyable tasks. Here are Closet World’s suggestions for expediting the closet organizing process so you can get on with your day.

Average Closet Organizing Times

Unless you’re royalty (or a reality TV star), the odds are that you won’t have to spend the entire day cleaning your closet. Contrary to popular opinion, the largest closet can be organized in around four hours. If your wardrobe is on the smaller side -- or you’ve gotten a head start on winnowing down your collection -- you can probably complete the process in just two hours. With any luck, you’ll have plenty of time to watch the game when you’re done.

Create a Cleaning Caddy

A little preparation can go a long way when it comes to expediting your closet organizing. If you want to get this job done faster, start by building a cleaning caddy. Fill this cleaning aid with all your favorite home organization products, such as label makers and labels, garbage bags, and Pledge wipes to remove the dust from your drawers and shelves. Clean as you sort to save time and set yourself up for a less cluttered space moving forward.

Sort Belongings Into Piles

If you want to get your closet clean faster, you need to make some hard decisions. The best way to reduce your wardrobe is to separate articles of clothing into three piles: one to keep, one to donate, and one to throw away. Having trouble deciding what to save and what to toss? Hold each item in question and answer with the first thing that pops into your head. As a general rule, if you haven’t worn something in a year, you probably aren’t going to need it moving forward.

Get Started Today

One of the biggest hurdles to an organized closet is procrastination. After all, it’s easy to come up with excuses to avoid something you don’t want to do anyway. To that end, the best thing you can do to speed up the closet cleaning process is to stop putting this task off for later. Abandon the excuses and start cleaning right now. You’ll thank yourself tomorrow.

Call the Closet Organizing Experts

At Closet World, you don’t have to choose between form and function when it comes to closet organizing. On the contrary, our walk-in and reach-in bedroom closets are completely customizable, so we can help you design the perfect system based on your needs. Choose from an array of finishes and accessories so your new closet melds perfectly with your existing decor. Ready to get started? Call us today or schedule a design consultation on our website.