DIY Sliding Closet Door Makeover Ideas

DIY Sliding Closet Door Makeover Ideas

Your sliding closet doors allow you to maximize your bedroom floor space – since they don’t swing out, you don’t have to leave an area of clearance. But, are they also an eyesore? Many sliding doors are old and plain and the paint will typically fade, chip, or yellow over time. If the answer is yes, it’s time for a do-over. Instead of replacing the doors, try giving them a makeover. Here are four DIY ideas that let you reinvent a sliding closet door without professional help:

  1. Chalkboard Paint

Did you know you can buy chalkboard paint at almost any home improvement store? Paint your closet doors with a few coats of this amazing paint, and can you draw whatever you want on your closet doors. When you’re tired of a design, just wipe them down and start over. Chalkboard doors are fun for a kid’s room, but adults can also use the space to draw more sophisticated designs or leave sweet messages for their partner. You can complete this makeover in just a few hours.

  1. Spray Glass Fog

If your sliding closet door has a mirror on the front, fog spray lets you play with design right on the glass. Just tape down the areas of the mirror that you want to leave as-is, then spray the glass fogging agent over the remaining area. The spray leaves a matte finish.

This DIY project creates a subtler new design element in the room than painting over the glass, and there are infinite possibilities. You can create fogged squares, diamonds, or stripes. It’s also fun to play with negative space. Put huge polka dots on the glass and spray over them; you’ll still have some circular mirror remaining for your practical use.  

  1. Intricate Wallpaper

Add a pop of color to your sliding closet door by covering it with your favorite wallpaper pattern. There are endless options for wallpaper, from elegant hand-drawn designs to faux brick and wood. Be sure to clean and score the wood before you add wallpaper to it. Putting up wallpaper is a two-person job, so recruit a friend or family member for this DIY job.

  1. Patterned Fabric

Another way to add a pattern to your sliding door is by putting up fabric. You can cover the entire door or paint the door crisp white and add fabric to the middle to create the appearance of a panel. If you only have one door, you could even add wood panel molding to create a true middle panel. Fabric is easier to add then wallpaper – just pull it taut and secure the edges.

Giving your closet new life is easier than you think. If you have old sliding closet doors from the 1970s, you can transform them into a modern accent wall with an idea and a free Saturday. If you want to give the inside of your closet a makeover, too, contact Closet World today. We’ll help you create a closet worthy of its newly renovated doors.

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