Make Your Closet More Functional With These Tips

Make Your Closet More Functional With These Tips

Even people with large closets sometimes struggle to find what they need in the morning. That’s because the size of a closet doesn’t always go hand in hand with how organized it is. Whether you’re dealing with a spacious walk-in or a narrow reach-in, there are ways to make this part of the home more functional and attractive. At Closet World, we’re passionate about helping families organize their clothing and accessories. From closet shelving to hooks and hampers, here are some of our suggestions for organizing your closet for success:

Invest in a Hamper

Adding a built-in hamper to your closet might seem like an unnecessary expense. However, the truth is that a laundry system is a key part of your organization system. Not only does adding a hamper keep you (and your spouse and kids) from leaving dirty clothes on the floor, but it also saves space that would be taken up by freestanding laundry baskets. For best results, choose a built-in that’s divided into three sections for lights, brights, and delicates.

Add Some Hooks

Not every closet has as much shelving as you might desire. Fortunately, you can make up for this dearth with the right tools of the trade. Hooks are a great option for storing a wide array of garments and accessories. While larger hooks are great for bathrobes, purses, and jackets, smaller hooks can be helpful for necklaces, belts, and camisoles. Additionally, closet hooks are great for displaying ties so they can be easily seen.

Consider a Shoe Hanger

If you want to take your closet system to the next level, a built-in shoe organizer is a must. Options vary from closet shelves and cubbies to plastic organizers that go on the back of the door. In general, back-of-the-door organizers are best for slim shoes, like sandals and ballet flats. On the other hand, you might want to display your favorite tall boots and pumps on a shelf for all to see.

Divide Your Drawers

Whether you keep your bureau inside or outside your closet, you might be struggling to stay organized. The good news is that drawer dividers can be the solution to your organizational woes. Available in an array of different styles and materials, drawer dividers are helpful for separating lingerie, socks, belts, ties, and even jewelry.

Invest in New Closet Shelving and More

Even the largest closets can sometimes feel short on space. If you’re struggling to find your favorite pair of jeans or locate that perfect pair of sneakers, the problem might be that your organization is lacking. Fortunately, the right closet shelving system can help you redesign your life and start living out loud.

At Closet World, we specialize in creating flexible, functional storage spaces that meld seamlessly with your existing decor. For more on how we can help, call today or contact us online to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping you organize your style.