Spring Office Organization
3 Apr

Spring Office Organization

It can be easy to neglect the home office, especially if you are not using it to be a freelancer or have the need to invite clients over the house. A few pointers can help you organize the office so that you can have a presentable office space around the year.

Tips for Office Organizing:

  1. Designate areas for your mail, computer, external hard drives, bills to pay, paper, envelopes, and etc. so they are easy to locate.
  2. Make weekly spot cleanings to the deck. Ie. Dusting, cleaning the windows, tidying up the desk, and putting papers away
  3. Keep your personal and business papers separate.
  4. Naming conventions for the files on your computer. If you are having trouble finding certain documents having a naming convention will be very useful and you will be able to find documents faster.
  5. Pick up the papers around the desk so that you can start the next day with a clean desk every morning. Look at it as your space that is for business life not personal.
  6. Keep the cords tucked away so the cables for the computer, printer, scanner, etc are not entirely visible.